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A kanban board for your new tab
The easiest way to keep track of everything you need to get done — all in your new tab

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Get Organized

Create task cards for all of your to-do’s in your new tab

Simplify Work

Track your progress as you start and finish your tasks

Boost Productivity

Remind yourself of your tasks whenever you open a new tab

light mode sample
dark mode sample
scrumptious mode sample

Customize the look of your board

Remain alert in light mode, stay focused in dark mode, or get inspired with a changing background in image mode.

Try it!

Move the sliders to see the different modes for your kanban board

This is the best thing I've found to keep on track of tasks without all the extraneous features from other task tools that I never need to use. Every time I open a new tab to procrastinate, I'm reminded of what I really need to do... Hope we get to add our own backgrounds in the future!

I absolutely love this app to keep me organized at work! I like making my own labels so I can clearly see what tasks I need to get done first. Overall really clean look and easy to use.

I use this app on the daily. Super helpful and easy to use.

What is a kanban board?

A kanban board is a simple tool that can help you visualize your task list, so you can get more done in your business or personal life.

man using kanban board on computer
computer on desk with kanban open

Organize your tasks

Streamline your workflow by organizing your tasks into three columns: To Do, Doing, and Done.

Get things done

Do your most important work first. See your productivity increase as you finish everything on your to-do list.

woman celebrating completing tasks